Monday, May 9, 2011

BoI 105 A day before and Day 1... :)

Ok, its been awhile. and people were asking. hey why you didnt upadate your blog and my answer is easy. Blog?? i need to update my brain for final exam first. haha.

and here i am. my Final exam already done. Almost i Guess, i have to stayback at the campus for 2 weeks and its all because of the BOI105, human talking we called it as biodiversity and ecology practical.

so everything started on the 8th of May 2011. Before my First Lab started on monday, I have to move from aman damai( its nearer to the lab actually) to SAUJANA.

So, This where i Live For the past few months.

Let's climb up the hills to Saujana guys. Currently im Here.
After climbing the hills, im there safe and sound! haha.
DAY 1:
we woke up early in the morning, getting ready for the very first day of our fieldwork (more likely labwork) haha. As for me and my groupmates, we started our practical at the Microbiology Lab A. We studied about Prokaryotes in the Monera's Kingdom. It was all fun actually, and here some of the bacteria that we observe on that day. 

Eschericia coli

Nostoc sp.

Oscilatoria sp. which i draw like a worm. Muahahaha~

Staphylococcus sp.
after all the hard work of observing and drawing. we called it a day at aroun 1230. :)

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